We are acutely aware now more than ever that it's crucial to realise that every choice we make impacts on the fragile nature of our planet.

We have a company policy of abiding by our 4 R rules. Recycle, Restore, Re-sell, Repeat. Following the four R's provides eco-friendly ways to reduce the negative impact of the increasing amount of waste on the natural environment.

Read more about our 4 R rules below.

We try to recycle everything. As the saying goes ‘one man’s junk is another mans treasure’, not forgetting the women too. We work closely with small local businesses, most of which are owned by women. 

We try to give everything a home by having a secondhand shop where items are sold at very reasonable prices to families and individuals on low incomes.

We have a strong local network of artisans who restore furniture and fabrics and hobbyists who make use of off-cuts of wood, steel, postcards, books, fabrics, magazines for creative crafts. Our own volunteers are often active in this rewarding process.

Older vintage/retro furniture is sold at affordable prices to support and sustain local independent small businesses (80%women) where items are lovingly upcycled, repurposed and repaired into a product of a higher quality which is then sold, giving it a new lease of life.

Bedding is given to our local dog and cat shelter. In date foods go to the local food bank and our volunteers.

Any out-of-date biodegradable food goes into a compost bin at the allotment, our way of helping minimise methane emissions and fertilise the earth to grow vegetables and wild flowers.



To get a quote call us on +44 7894 711282, 01912739792, or simply fill out the form below.

Copyright Angel House Clearances 2021