
Gabriel, the boss, the head Angel, the brains and brawn of the business, Angelical Den owner, father and animal saver. You will be safe in his hands.... he has the biggest hands in the business. Gabriel has the strongest of worth Ethics. He gets up 4am in the morning, takes zooky (his rescue dog found on a house clearance) out on his electric skateboard for 7 miles, combining good exercise with back lane skratting. No joke, he once carried a boiler back whilst skateboarding and managing zooky.

He strongly believes in recycling, he rehomes everything via his shop, staff/volunteers and client base whilst also donating to local charities including the food bank and cat and dog shelter.

He's working hard every day to save every item one day at a time whilst endeavouring to save the environment, not just household items, animals too! See his dog rescue story in the blog section. He nurtures his staff and volunteers, supporting them all to be healthy, happy and feel cared for.

He's patient at transferring his business and practical skills to team Angel He's very energetic, fun loving and charming. He somehow manages to make every clearance feel safe and secure, you do literally feel like everything is safe in those huge caring hands.

Angel Gabriel is your first and best point of call for talking through your pending clearance or removal.
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We call him question. Any answer he doesn't know he will find out in front of our very eyes. He is amazing. He can turn a 5-pound product into a 25 pound one just by taking his time testing, tinkering and putting it through various sources on the internet. Simon is so honest. H had several repeat customers come to The Angelical Den requesting his services, He’s so funny too. I hope if you read this blog you come to the store just to ask him a question. Armed with brutal honesty he goes about doing what he does best on a daily basis for us. Si loves electronics.

Simon takes the time to fully test items, package and distribute allowing the company to reach a greater target audience whilst gaining better coin for the deal. He has fun when he is at The Angelical Den. He feels at home in the mess of wires and the random products constantly appearing at the store.

His face is the best when he finds something worth good money and I’m selling it for a fiver. He loves Xboxes, PlayStation, Apple, Samsung. Anything you need the instructions to, si has a magnetic pull to, he loves an electrical challenge. Si is also strangely good with gold and silver items. He can tell you if something is gold just by the look of it. He has just been made a dad for the fourth time, Ella (his third youngest) likes to come to the shop on her school holidays, she loves a huge cuddly toy.
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What can we say about Curtis? He is our shop Supervisor and assistant manager on some days. He has come far. He no longer goes to get the glass hammer for you anymore. He has come such a long way. Curtis is now the speed of the shop. He always gets it right on the second time.

He has a heart of gold that’s why he is in the highest position in the store when I’m not there? He is always happy to help, He is a fun young man and I believe one day he will make the very best of managers. Till then, we will all have to wait patiently until he confidently learns the ropes enough to take over the store. Mastering in mechanics he knows how to salvage motor vehicles and parts. This enables us to keep recycling rates high.
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Recently returned from university we have our Nicole. She is relentless and has a fantastic amount of heart. Loving to make crazy displays and polite conversation. Nicole is a trustworthy character and very loyal. She might be small in height but she is huge in heart. Mixing well with all of the team Nicole gets on with what we need her to do.
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Being ex-Military his approach to problem solving and general running’s proves to be exceptional. He doesn’t ever let you down and always finds a way to get the job done. Always on time and highly efficient. His spirit links in to our ethos. We help each other out. Through Angel House Clearance Dave gets chance to demonstrate his methodism and endurance. He normally outlasts the whole team of younger ones. Dave is kind and without a doubt a great asset to The Angelical den and Angel house Clearance.
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When Stacey isn’t studying art and design at Sunderland University, she’s working with us at the Angelical Den.  Brilliant volunteers come to the shop once in a while. Stacy is one of those. She is very hard working and adds a magical touch to the shop with her young creative flair. She has been a part of the team now for two years and remains a strong staff member to this day.  Stacey packs brilliantly on house clearances and manages to talk all the way through it. We love to hear what unusual things she gets up to, especially the ideas behind her creative projects. Stacey is always happy to help and never afraid of challenge. Stacey respects the way we operate and makes the newest volunteers feel welcome and supported.
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Holding 30 years of carpentry skills under his tool belt we have Paul. He loves to work with wood and dust and anything sharp. He volunteers for us as he agrees that there is far too much waste in the world and even if we can save one item it counts. We help Paul out and make sure that he gets a lot of the wood that we are asked to take. Paul will then help a family member or a friend to get a job done using the complementary wood from the clearances. This keeps our recycling rate up very high.
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He is a firm believer in the methodical approach. He is learning to gather pace! but he gets the job done in the end. He’s with us for work experience one day a week and he love the vibe of the Angelical Den. Darren gets chance to see his friends passing and he gets the pleasure of his mum living across the road, literally.

Darren is a very canny soul. He loves to get gifts for all of his family whilst working in amongst the chaos. The Angelical Den has given Darren the chance to get a taste of how working life feels.
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Brilliant with metal work and going through university at the moment. John is a true hippy at heart. He would clear the whole house bare foot if it wasn’t for our staff health and safety policy! John loves life to its fullest and has the highest empathy for each of its moments. John makes swords when he can and we consider him to be our Geordie Viking. He has been there since the start and I’m sure he will be there to the end.
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James is a new volunteer he is just starting to learn the ways of recycling. James is inquisitive and likes to ask a question or two. He performs to a great standard with guidance from the team. James s appreciates his time at the shop and once he gets started, he keeps going and going. James loves animals and wishes to help animals in the future. We never know how long a new recruit will stay with us, but we know that we all learn from each other.
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To get a quote call us on +44 7894 711282, 01912739792, or simply fill out the form below.


Copyright Angel House Clearances 2021